Order of Diplomacy Pro-Literacy Missions

Adoption Processes

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Adoption Processes
Possible Adopted Schools
List of Official Adopted Schools
Education Beneficiaries
Catholic Vocation Support
Itinerary of Missions
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Our adoptation processes will be announced here on 14 February 2008 during our 8th foundation anniversary.

In terms of adopting schools, in the past years, we were about to officially adopt one public elementary school in southern Philippines where indigent students went to school, but because of environmental reasons, the plan was ceased temporarily.
In 2006, we also did our best to officially adopt one elementary school again in southern Philippines. We already had then almost 270 academic beneficiaries. We already contacted doctors, dentists and veterinarians for free annual medical missions. We prepared micro-finance program for free to help the parents and guardians for income generating missions. We already looked potential book donors and talent materials donors. Foods were ready for our feeding program.
Unfortunately, all of the above went to waste because of internal issues among some of the teachers and because of intrigues. Right now, we are very much careful in adopting schools.
Moreover, as of now we are also more careful in selecting our student beneficiaries. One way we could explain our education help criteria for possible qualified individuals would be to describe a typical student. For example:

We look for a bright, motivated student with a dedication to academics and with interests to finish school. However, we also want a well-rounded individual. Interests outside of school are important, along with a strong desire to be involved in community events.

Important Application Dates

* Applications due by 30 April 2008 for 2008-2009 school year
* Reply letters mailed by May 2008

Application Process

We evaluate applications and conduct interviews throughout the year. Contact Us to receive an application or schedule an interview. We can also arrange a tour of campus and introduce prospective students and their parents to Diplomat members of our administration.

Aim higher! Never give up! Persistance goes!